Sunday, September 4, 2011

This is why I'm so good at walking, and standing in general.

College involves a lot of walking, as I have found in my two weeks here so far. You do have options though, but they all involve down sides. You can have a car, but you have to pay for a parking pass and if you park it in the wrong area you run the incredible risk of being ticketed. Believe me, I’m pretty sure the police hide in parking areas just waiting for you to park in the wrong spot.
The next option is biking, but that’s just a lot of work. First you have to have a bike, but then you need a lock because people will steal your bike. Then you have to lock it properly otherwise people will steal it…again. And then you have to unlock it…clearly it’s just a lot of work, and/or I’m just lazy. The next option is probably the best out of all of them. It’s the buses. The buses are in reality a pretty good option but I find them terrifying. For instance this is what the buses actually looks like. 

It’s a normal bus, besides the color really. I don’t know why it’s green either. But the thing is, is that this is what the buses look like to me. 

The bus itself is a contraption of evil as well as the driver. So in general the buses terrify me because I feel like they are machines specifically designed for idiot me to get on them and not know exactly where they go and then be dropped off in the middle of nowhere.
Soooo, the conclusion we should reach here is that I prefer to walk. 

I’m really not that happy when I walk though. There are two reasons for that, one we have already discussed. The amount I sweat versus normal people and the heat of where I live. That sucks. The other part is is that I have the balance of a one legged rhinoceros. 

See it can’t even stand up, it’s just laying in the grass of the savannah in defeat. That’s really what I should do, but I attempt walking anyways.
So my first day of college was the worst for my balance out of all of them. I fell down a total of three times; and it’s not like trip and fall, I just fall down. One minute I’m standing happily. 
The next minute my cerebellum decides that it needs a two second break and this happens.

Typically I don’t have time to scream, I just fall straight on my ass. This really happens, I’m not making this up. In reality this is probably some kind of disorder, but the good side is that it keeps me on my toes...or on the ground.

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