Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Do Not Touch Conundrum

So, for a few of my classes we have gone to different museums and places that have very large glass windows and signs that say DO NOT TOUCH. Lemme tell you about my thought process when I see a sign that says DO NOT TOUCH.
First my brain goes like this:

Yes, my brain does have a ponytail. But anyways, then after I look at whatever is for a certain period of time being about five seconds, not allowed to be touched my mind slowly swirls into why can't I touch it?

Then, after about ten more seconds the why can't I touch it turns into extreme desire. My brain immediately goes into a debate with the rational and irrational sides. The rational side argues that there is a reason for the sign and I really shouldn't touch it. The irrational side argues that the sign is merely a guideline and not a real rule.

Eventually the rational side wins because I don't want to get kicked out of the museum and what not. But you know if I could this is what I really would at a museum when the sign says DO NOT TOUCH.

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