Saturday, August 27, 2011

Awkward moments of college, and creative ways to avoid them.

College is full of awkward moments. Some of them actually awkward, others made awkward by your mind. As having been here for only a few days...I have experienced plenty. Here is just a sample of said experiences that have happened to me so far.

1. The "I want to introduce myself but your door is only half way open, but I really need to make friends so what do I do" conundrum.
 You have two options. Option number one consists of walking away and being that weird lonely person on your floor.

That's a picture of one very sad, not social freshman. This could be my fate. But, it has yet to be decided by the College Gods of the Socialites. Yes, the myths are true, those guys do exist. I have seen the meetings at Starbucks.
BUT! You have another option! Option number two! This option consists of barging into said persons room and introducing yourself in a slightly awkward manner. Hence creating awkward scene number one!

The door slamming is optional, but it makes the situation all the more awkward. They are indeed clutching their heart at the possibility that it might have stopped in the sudden fright of your arrival. But, you could have just made a life long memories. Now one may not find this awkward, but believe me, scaring the shit out of someone just to say "Hi, my name is..." is actually rather awkward.
Now here is my solution on how to avoid this.

Go through the window. They'll be so surprised that it will drown the awkward.

2. The "I'm staring at you and you're staring at me, but we don't say anything to each other even though we want to" situation. You simply lock eyes for a mere moment, but that moment feels like an eternity. Someone has to make the first move, but should it be you or them?

The typical thing to do is simply walk away, but the bad thing is that this could continuously happen for however long you are in the vicinity of them. For some reason your eyes will constantly land on one another until one of you either actually goes to talk to the other or one of you leaves.
The even worse part about this situation is the fact that it not only will happen to you in college, but really anywhere for the rest of your life. Sorry.

The solution however is very easy. Simply go up to them and...
Headbutt them. Everybody needs a good headbutt at least once a day. And if they didn't like it then you shouldn't be friends with them anyways.
3. The "You go for a handshake and they go for a hug" paradox.  You've met recently and you're becoming better friends. You're about to depart, but you can't tell if they want to shake hands or hug. In the spur of the moment you pick one. You picked wrong and now they are waiting with open arms as you extend one hand.

This may be the most awkward of all because the recovery for this has to be quick. If it's not fast enough then your blossoming friendship may be ruined. But don't worry here is my patented solution to avoid all of this nonsense.

Hug tackle! The hug tackle is  perfect for making a situation less awkward. Your sudden expression of emotion for that person overcame you and hugging wasn't enough so you hug tackle them. The arm extension for the handshake was simply a ploy for them to lower their guard.

BOOM! Awkwardness avoided. You're welcome.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's not day one, but it's close enough.

Okay, well to get started I'm a brand new college kid and/or a freshman and/or a freshie and/or whatever else you want to call me. (I'm not averted to The Awesome, so whichever you prefer really.) But anyways, brand new college kid!

That's me jumping for joy! Look at how happy I am and the height of that jump. I'm getting some air. You know, in reality there should be some random shit behind me because I moved in way to much stuff.

Notice my expression has changed from glee to a slight hesitation. I did not know that I was going to need absolutely all of the shit that I brought. It's ridiculous.
So we stuffed my parents cars full of all of the crap that I "need." I'm pretty sure I saw some sparks flying off my mom's car because the backside was hanging preeettyyyyy low.
We finally get to my new home and park our two overflowing cars in front of my dorm. Important dorm is not air conditioned. The weather where I live is fucking bipolar...ALL THE TIME.

 See, everythings happy in this picture because it's a nice 85ish degrees out there. This happens maybe once a month in summer. It will also fake you out in the morning and look like this but then later transform into the version below...

See, in this one it's so damn hot that the grass and flower have literally caught fire. The cloud has been murdered by the suns heat and the sun is now a homicidal arsonist. This is the most common temperature which varies between 95 and 100. This heat sucks because not only is it frickin hot, it's also humid as hell.
Of course me being the luckiest person ever gets to move in with this heat, not the rare normal temperature heat. Not to mention the fact that I'm one of those people that if they are just standing or sitting in super hot temperatures they just sweat. A lot. So by the end of me moving in this is what I looked like. 

Yes, yes I am kneeling in a puddle of my own sweat. But my room is now all set and homey like. But, part of me still thinks it wasn't necessarily worth my body expelling most of the water it can hold. Yaaaaaay college!